Cheat mode
At the starting menu, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and rotate the Left Analog-stick until "Devil May Cry" is spoken. This will unlock all bonus modes, alternate costumes, and gallery entries.
Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the game on the easy or higher difficulty setting to unlock shirtless Dante, on the normal or higher difficulty setting to unlock the original Devil May Cry Dante, and on the hard difficulty setting to unlock the shirtless original Devil May Cry Dante. Press L1 or R1 at the mission selection screen to choose the new costume. Note: The costumes will also unlock the Force Edge Devil Arms move.
Successfully complete the game on the easy or higher difficulty setting. Note: Higher difficulty settings will unlock additional selections, as listed:
Art 1: Successfully complete easy mode.
Art 2: Successfully complete normal mode.
Art 3: Get an "S" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 4: Get an "SS" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 5: Successfully complete hard mode.
Art 6: Get an "S" rank for all hard mode missions.
Art 7: Get an "SS" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 8: Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode.
Art 9: Get an "S" rank for all Dante Must Die mode missions.
Art 10: Get an "SS" rank for all Dante Must Die mode missions.
Easy mode
Intentionally fail a mission on the normal difficulty setting three to five times. A message will appear, stating that you have unlocked the easy difficulty level.
Hard mode
Successfully complete the game on the normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting.
Dante Must Die mode
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Dante Must Die mode.
Heaven or Hell mode
Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode to unlock Heaven or Hell mode.
Play as Legendary Dark Knight/Sparda
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to unlock Legendary Dark Knight/Sparda.
Infinite Devil Trigger
Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode to unlock Infinite Devil Trigger. Additionally, once you have unlocked the Super Dante costume, select it for any mission. You will have infinite Devil Trigger for the remainder of the game. This very useful during your last fight with Virgil. Also, if you get Quicksilver on you, then go into demon form, you will have unlimited Devil Trigger.
Control loading screen
At the "Now Loading" screen, press Triangle to slash or Square to shoot. While at the loading screen, hold Up and repeatedly use the sword (Triangle) until it breaks. Another one will appear. Note: This does not work with guns (Square).
Alternate ending sequence
During the credits, kill at least 100 opponents. Additionally, successfully complete the game with Legendary Dark Knight to have Lady in an alternate costume during the ending credits.
Multi-player mode
Use the Doppleganger style with the Super Dante costume. Activate the Doppleganger style at any time, then press Start on controller two. The second player will now control the Doppleganger (shadow). Note: You must have the Super Dante costume or you will run out of Devil Trigger using the Doppleganger.
Easier style ratings
To receive easier style ratings, attack with a weapon. Then, after awhile switch to a different weapon. Try different combinations with different weapons. Additionally, when faced with a lot of enemies, your sword is always very useful; however if you throw it, it becomes even more useful. You can throw your sword at an enemy by locking onto them, then pressing Forward + Circle. Dante will throw his sword into the enemy; your rating will instantly go up. Go up to the enemy and attack it. Your ratings will be at "Sweet" by this point if done correctly.
You can get easy style points by using the Nevan attack when you go into the jam session (repeatedly press Triangle, while performing a type 2 combo). Do this in a room with a group of Enigmas (the enemies that attack you with the blue and red missiles) while using the guitar solo attack. When the missiles hit you, it will make your stylish points greatly increase instantly to SStylish. Note: This was done on the hard difficulty setting.
Devil Trigger power-up
On the mission where you battle the redhead, as soon as you go under the waterfall into the other part of the level, you will enter a cave. Go straight and to your left to find a large Devil Trigger power-up in a crystallized sanctuary hole.
Fire the shotgun faster
When using Ebony & Ivory and the shotgun, you can shoot the shotgun faster by firing, switching to Ebony & Ivory with L2 (default), firing once or twice with them, then switching back to the shotgun. If timed correctly, you can fire the shotgun as if it were one of your pistols. Note: This trick can be used with other weapons, such as Artemis, but may not work as well.
Machine gun like shots
Equip Ebony & Ivory and use the Gunlinger style. While fighting an enemy, press Square and Circle rapidly. The game will switch between Rapid Shot and Twosome Time. Because of the fast switching it will appear as if Dante has equipped himself with a machine gun.
Glide while in demon form
You can glide while in demon form by having the Rebellion equipped. Hold R1 + X to glide. This move will not appear in the library, but is automatically learned. Alternately, you can purchase the Air Raid maneuver for the Nevan weapon.
Dante swings on stripper pole
In the strip club, press X then Triangle near the pole to watch Dante swing around.
Mission number references
During the introduction sequences to every mission, a number that corresponds to that mission can be found:
Mission 1: A big "1" on the pizza box.
Mission 2: A "2" on a billboard near the outside of Dante's shop.
Mission 3: Three enemies are burned by Lady's motorcycle and fall to make a "3".
Mission 4: There is a banner near where Vergil and Arkham are standing in the shape of a "4".
Mission 5: A bloodgoyle gets hit into a wall. The blood remaining on the wall is in the shape of a "5".
Mission 6: Lady blasts a rocket into the ground and the mark on the ground forms a "6".
Mission 7: After Lady shoots Dante in the head, he smears the blood on the wall. The blood runs into the shape of a "7".
Mission 8: When Dante gets up, goes near the pillar, and is about to jump off, you can see a faint shape of an "8" in the moon behind him.
Mission 9: One of Lady's spent shells falls on the ground. A "9" is on the bottom of the bullet.
Mission 10: When Vergil stabs Arkham the blood spatters Arkham's book in the form of a "10".
Mission 11: When Arkham disappears from where he was stabbed, the smeared blood leaves an "11" behind.
Mission 12: After Dante grabs the Haywire Neo-Generator, Jester escapes on something shaped like a "12".
Mission 13: Immediately after Vergil cuts his hand to make a sacrifice, the camera angle changes. While the angle is turning you can see a "13" carved into a pillar.
Mission 14: At the end of the intermission sequence, it shows an angle aiming down into the pit where Vergil fell. On the wall of the crevice is a carved "14".
Mission 15: Awhile after the intermission sequence starts, the camera will face a door with three symbols on it. Just to the right of it is a dried up plant. The branches are shaped into the number "15".
Mission 16: A little while after Dante starts changing between normal and demon forms he will take out his guns and shoot them at the same time. If you can spot it, the flash of the two gunshots makes "16". You must watch extremely carefully.
Mission 17: After Arkham pulls the force edge from the stone, the rocks shift around. In the bottom left of the screen will be two rock pillars next to each other; they form a "17".
Mission 18: As Dante is rising up the portal to the demon world, a single newspaper flies around the bottom right corner of the screen with an "18" on it.
Mission 19: The camera will start to turn at the beginning of the intermission sequence. As it is turning, there is a bookshelf. There is an area with books missing in the shape of a "19".
Mission 20: After Lady shoots her father and starts crying in the background, the mist forms the number "20".
Easy Orbs in Mission 1
Use Agni and Rudra to destroy everyone and everything. Make sure to get the drums. If you complete it with an "S" rank, you will get 6,000. This is useful early on in the game; it gets even easier when you get the Devil Trigger.
Shotgun in Mission 3
The Shotgun can be found hanging on the wall of the front bar.
Cerberus Devil Arms move in Mission 3
Successfully complete Mission 3 by defeating Cerberus to get the Cerberus Devil Arms move.
Secret Mission 1 in Mission 3
Once you are in the area with the Red Orb statue and the three red flame statue just before Cerberus, there is a metal door off to the right. Push Circle in front of it to enter the secret mission. If you win you will receive a Blue Orb piece.
Easy Red Orbs in Mission 4
At the start of the mission, go back to street area just before you fought Cerberus. Get all the Red Orbs in the area. Press Start, save the game, then select "Restart Mission". You can do this all over again without having to fight any enemies. You get about 2,800 orbs per visit.
Agni and Rudra Devil Arms move in Mission 5
Successfully complete Mission 5 by defeating Agni and Rudra to get the Agni and Rudra Devil Arms move.
Breath Of Fire reference in Mission 5
At the end of Mission 5, after defeating the two brothers, they will tell you their names. Agni and Rudra are the names of the last two dragon transformations you receive in Breath Of Fire for your hero.
Artemis in Mission 6
Insert the last item into the statue in the Mute Goddess statue to get the Artemis.
Easy Orbs in Mission 7
At the beginning of the mission when you enter the Moonrise Chamber, you can use the launch pads to collect about 1800 Orbs. After getting all the Orbs, save the game. Then, restart the level to collect them all again. You can do this as many times as desired and get about 1,800 Orbs a minute (without having to fight any enemies).
Spiral in Mission 9
The Spiral can be found on the platform in the subterranean lake.
Nevan Devil Arms move in Mission 9
Successfully complete Mission 9 by defeating Nevan to get the Nevan Devil Arms move.
Easy Red Orbs in Mission 9
There is a secret mission in a cave area just before you go onto a path where you fight Nevan, who is the Boss in this mission. You will see a red glow in the cave. Go up to it and press Circle to enter. You will now be in a secret mission where you must destroy all the items in a bar, similar to the place in Mission 3. It is very easy, and you can get 1,000 to over 1500 Red Orbs in one play through, plus a Blue Fragment. When you get four of these, you will get a life bar upgrade. If done about twenty times, you can easily get over 20,000 Red Orbs in about twenty minutes. This is also helpful if Nevan is proving difficult and you need Red Orbs to buy Vital Stars and Yellow Orbs. Buy only one Yellow Orb at a time. By doing this, you can stock up on Vital Stars and other items that will help you defeat Nevan.
More life in Mission 11
When you get the orb that drains your power and must run for the bridge, skip battling the red bat things. This will completely drain your power. Instead, battle every enemy except those and do your best to get high ratings. The higher the ratings that you get, the more life you will receive in killing them. It helps to use combinations to keep your ratings high when battling enemies.
Easy level ups in Mission 12
When you have the haywire neo-generator you can take the train back and forth for easy experience. They often drop small Green Orbs to replenish health. Alternately, replay any secret mission that you can fight enemies in.
Quicksilver style in Mission 12
Defeat Greyon at the end of Mission 12 to get the Quicksilver style.
Defeating Greyon in Mission 12
After the intermission sequence of Greyon (blue horse with carriage) smashing through the other enemies, immediately run to the door and stay in the corner. When Greyon charges at you, fire Ebony & Ivory at him. Before he hits you, he will vanish and appear on the other side of the bridge. Also, notice that you have not taken any damage. Repeat these steps until the bridge collapses, then get ready for the real fight. Additionally, when you begin to fight the horse with the carriage, the life of the horse is not in itself -- it is in the carriage. You will win faster and easier if you attack the carriage instead of the horse. To help kill it on the bridge section (the upper floor), your will be forced to use your guns, Try using the handguns fully updated. When you get the chance when it stops, use your sword. When the life of the horse/carriage gets about one quarter down, the bridge will collapse and reveal a gladiator-like arena. It is in this area where your guns will not mean much. The horse will run around the arena in the circle. After four or five rounds, it will come towards the center of the arena and breathe. It is here where you pop into Devil Trigger and unload on it. If you do this consistently enough, the horse will collapse, giving you more time to kill it.
Beowulf Devil Arms move in Mission 14
After completing Mission 11 by defeating Beowulf, collect the weapon at the start of Mission 14.
Kalina Ann in Mission 16
Defeat the Lady to get the Kalina Ann.
Easy orbs in Mission 17
Once you begin the mission, collect the orbs above the staircase. Then, go back to the room where you came from and collect all the orbs. Finally, save and restart the mission. All the orbs will be back.
Doppleganger style in Mission 17
Defeat Shadow Enemy at the end of Mission 17 to get the Doppleganger style.
Easier completion of Mission 18
You must fight many previous Bosses on this level by pressing Circle on a colored object on a wall. These are as follows:
Light blue is Cerberus
Yellow is the Gigapede
Green is Agni & Rudra
Red is the Heart of Leviathen
Purple is Nevan, white is Beowulf
Blue is Geryon
Black is the Doppelganger
Orange is many difficult enemies
To complete this level, you must make a loop on the board. The easiest way is to fight Agni & Rudra, Cerberus, and Beowulf.
Yamato Devil Arms move in Mission 19
Play as Virgil in Mission 19 to use the Yamato Devil Arms move. It is only usable in the Boss fight in this mission after Dante is taken by the Boss.
Multi-player opportunity in Mission 19
When you are fighting the hideous version of Arkhem, get his heath bar halfway down. An intermission sequence will interrupt, introducing Virgil to the battle. When the clip has ended, you will be fighting alongside Virgil. Press Start on controller two, and that person will be playing as Virgil.
Secret Missions
Throughout the levels, you will find different secret missions that will give you different things. These missions can be done more than once. You will not get the original prize obtained in the first place, because once each mission is completed you will get the mission prize. Complete it again and you will get red orbs. Each time it is completed, the prized orb will go down in value.
Easy Orbs in Secret Mission 1
To get easy Orbs very early in the game, enter Secret Mission 1 (by entering metal sliding door off to the right before you fight Cerberus). Re-enter it as many times as desired. After completing it once, you will gain a huge Red Orb which is worth around 400 Orbs.
Large life and Devil Trigger bonus in Secret Mission 5
Before you start Mission 14, you will need life, and Devil Trigger, if you do not have it as unlimited. Take out the Combat Adjudicator on the far wall with the Beowolf Gauntlets, and enter the "previous world". Go under the waterfall. Once inside, hop up into the red groove up in the cave and begin Secret Mission 5. Do not complete it. Repeat it as many times as desired and purchase what you need. When done, complete the secret mission and you will receive a small blue orb which will increase your life; your Devil Trigger should also be full.
Defeating Virgil
In order to drop Virgil's life faster in the beginning of the final fight, make sure you have the following equipped: Cerberus Nunchucks with all power ups (main weapon to use against him as it is quick and can peel off health in seconds); a weapon with double jump (preferably Agni and Rudra, as they are as good as the Cerberus nunchucks at dishing out damage in a short amount of time); Max Trickster Style (so you can use the dash abilities to avoid his attacks, as well as use the Air Blink to get closer to him when he falls out of Devil Trigger to attack him); 7 to 10 Devil Stars; 2 to 30 L. Vitality Stars; 2-30 S. Vitality Stars; all blue orbs purchased and completed; and all purple orbs purchased. Start by using the Cerberus nunchucks and use the Air Blink maneuver to get close to Virgil. Devil Trigger and start tearing him limb from limb until your Devil Trigger goes down to slightly under one. Then, use another Devil Star. Even if Vergil goes Devil Trigger, keep smashing him as he will eventually fall out of Devil Trigger. When he gets a purple sphere around him, break your Devil Trigger mode and avoid his next few attacks by dashing around them. Once he stops, he will be somewhat stunned. If you timed some of your dashes correctly, you should have built up a Devil Trigger gauge by about two to three places. Use Air Blink to get close to him and Devil Trigger. Keep smashing him (and using Devil Stars when the Devil Trigger gauge is at its last orb or less before you fall out of Devil Trigger) until he does the purple orb maneuver again. Then, repeat what you did the last time. It should not take much more if you had dealt enough damage earlier, and if your health is low, use a L. Vital Star/S. Vital Star, depending on the amount. Note: Sometimes he will do a combo of slash, slash, slash, then disappear and reappear overhead and do a Helm Breaker. Dash out of the way of this while equipping your double jump weapon and prepare for a Stinger attack. Double jump out of its way and go back to Cerberus nunchucks and strike him. He will also do his attack where he will partially draw his katana and orbs will appear. You can either dash towards him out of their way, or use the Air Blink. Note: If if you use Air Blink you might get caught by one of the orbs upon your reappearance, depending on how many he launches. After awhile Virgil will scream "Dante" and an FMV sequence will begin.
To defeat Virgil easily, use the Doppleganger style with the all costumes feature of the "Cheat mode" code. Equip the costume with Dante's sleeve torn off. You will be able to stay in demon form the entire whole time you are fighting Virgil. If player two presses Start with this costume on, he can use the Doppleganger to fight with player one.
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