
xbox 360-Command And Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

  • NOD campaign

    Successfully complete the GDI mission "Washington, DC" in Act 1 to unlock the NOD campaign.

  • Scrin campaign

    Successfully complete the GDI and NOD campaign to unlock the four mission Scrin campaign.

  • Placing buildings in thunder storm with Scrin

    When playing as the Scrin in either Multiplayer or Skirmish mode, it is usually not possible to place buildings within a thunder storm produced by the Storm Tower. The trick to getting around this is to power down the Storm Tower, then place whatever you want next to it (for example, another Storm Tower). This strategy will help to improve your base defense.

  • GDI attack combinations

    The following are attack combinations you can use in Skirmish missions:

      Predator Tank
      APC with a Grenadier Squad inside

      3 or more Rifleman Squads
      3 or more Missile Squads

      2 APCs with Rifleman Squads inside
      2 APCs with Missile Squads inside

      2 Grenadier Squads
      2 Rifleman Squads
      2 Missile Squads

  • NOD attack combinations

    The following are attack combinations you can use in Skirmish missions:

      2 Militant Squads
      2 Militant Rocket Squads

      4 Raider Buggys
      2 Flame Tanks
      2 Scorpion Tanks

      4 Raider Buggys
      2 Attack Bikes

  • SCRIN attack combinations

    The following are attack combinations you can use in Skirmish missions:

      4 Buzzers
      4 Disintergrators
      3 Seekers (combined with Buzzers)
      3 Gun Walkers (combined with Buzzers)

  • Rush tactic

    This trick is useful for versus online multiplayer matches with 10,000. Play as Nod or GDI, and place a Crane. Then, build a Power Plant from each, and place them. Once this is done, build two Refineries, and place them. Next, sell one, and build another. On the other, build queue. Start building a war factory. Place it, and start to build another one. Make sure you have placed your second Refinery. Then, build two Harvesters from your War Factory. In the meantime, build Refineries and a Comm Center. The moment your Harvesters are done, start building as many Scorpion Tanks as possible. Place other War Factories and Power Plants as well to boost production. It is also helpful to place an anti-infantry base defenses near your MCV to stop the "Engineer rush" tactic. However, this uses power and is not necessary. This tactic works best on Redzone Rampage since each player starts with boosts resources as the blue Tiberium. Nod is the fastest since it has the quickest build speeds. Also, build Predators instead of Scorpions. As soon as possible, place the Tech Center, and upgrade tanks with either Laser Capacitors or Rail Guns. This will not always work, especially when you face upper level players in the higher ranks. However, it is possible to finish a battle in less than ten minutes with this tactic. It works best with 10,000, but can be done with more; however, it is harder as the opposition will have stronger weapons than you. It works well with 20 as you can use shortcuts and an extra Crane to boost production and speed of rush.

  • Easy Mister NO It All and Rookie No More achievements

    Select "No" when asked to do the tutorial. After obtaining the "Mister NO It All" achievement, you can then go back and do the tutorial, getting the "Rookie No More" achievement. If you do the tutorial first, you will not be able to get the "Mister NO It All" achievement.

  • Achievements

    Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

      GDI Bronze (20 points): GDI Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      Nod Bronze (20 points): Nod Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      Scrin Bronze (20 points): Scrin Campaign Finished with Bronze medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      GDI Silver (25 points): GDI Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      Nod Silver (25 points): Nod Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      Scrin Silver (25 points): Scrin Campaign Finished with Silver medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      The McNeil Legacy (100 points): GDI Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      You Can't Kill the Messiah (100 points): Nod Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      GAME OVER! (100 points): Scrin Campaign Finished with Gold medal and Bonus Ribbon.
      Something to Write Home About (220 points): Complete all of the single player campaigns.
      Dr. Moebius Award (20 points): Gather 100000 tiberium in MP games.
      Rookie No More (20 points): Complete Boot Camp Mission.
      No life (100 points): Play MP for 100 hours.
      Nod Unleashed (5 points): Completing the GDI TOW: Washington D.C.
      Simon Says you LOSE (0 points): Negative Achievement: Lose a single player game 3 times in a row.
      The Golding Rule (0 points): Negative Achievement: Lose 5 MP games in a row.
      Mister NO it all (0 points): Negative Achievement: Skipping the Tutorial suggestion from SP.
      Losing Face (0 points): Lose to someone Ranked 20 places below you in a MP Ranked Game.
      GDI Campaign (80 points): Complete the GDI campaign.
      Nod Campaign (80 points): Complete the Nod campaign.

    Additionally, there are two secret achievements:

      Welcome to 2047 (20 points): Press the A button 2047 times, the year the game takes place.
      The Truth (20 points): Complete both the GDI and Nod campaigns.

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